Maritime shipping

The maritime shipping program provides policymakers with the data and analysis they need to avoid, reduce, and eliminate pollution from the global shipping sector. Shipping accounted for nearly 3% of global human-caused CO2 emissions in 2018 and roughly 11% of life-cycle transportation CO2 emissions in 2020. Between 2012 and 2018, shipping’s CO2 emissions grew 10%, according to the Fourth IMO Greenhouse Gas Study, which ICCT co-authored. Methane emissions grew 145% over the same period. This is due to rapid growth in the use of natural gas as a marine fuel. Without additional policy action, shipping’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to are expected to grow 16% from 2018 to 2030, and 50% by 2050. Aligning with the Paris Agreement temperature goals requires immediate reductions this decade and achieving zero emissions by 2040 or 2050. This can be achieved using a mix of new fuels and technologies, but this transition requires strong policy support from the United Nations International Maritime Organization and regional, national, and sub-national governments.
